Tutorial: Ach, Bože roztomilý by Ján Cikker

This song is a part of the freely available online choral tutorial library with music from Slovak composers. It was created with the support of Slovak Arts Council (Fond na podporu umenia).

Basic information about Ach, Bože roztomilý

Composer: Ján Cikker
Description: Christmas carol
English name: Oh, Sweet God, Our Lovely (translation of all lyrics can be found in the bottom part of the page)

Tutorial recordings for Ach, Bože roztomilý

The performance is at a practice tempo (to make it easier to learn voice parts), recorded by members of the Technik STU Choir. If you are interested in singing with the Technik STU choir, consider joining us.


Common lyrics of Ach, Bože roztomilý with an English translation

1. Ach, Bože roztomili,
jaki to čas nastal,

hvezda nám osvitila betlehemskú maštal.
Pospíchajte Pastýri a nemeškajte sa,
ukáže nám novinu ta prejasna hvezda.

2. Hle, anjele spívaju veselima hlasi,
svati pokoj zvestuju ludu po vše časi.
Nebo sa naroďilo Ďiťatko spanile,
v betlehemskej maštali leži tam na slame.

3. Maťička ho koliba
a takto mu spíva,

ninaj me pacholatko,
lebo ti je zima.

Jozef stari s radostú na neho sa ďíva
a od velkej radosti všecek on omdleva.

4. Že naš mili Spasitel
z nebe račil zejsťi,

do života Marie ponižene vejsťi.
Keri ma vikupiti nás od všeho zleho,
a tak všetkich privesťi do kralovstva sveho.

5. Preto mili pastyri s radostu vítajte,
do Betlema pospešte,
stada zanechajte.

Vítajte Boha sveho, včul narozeného,
dari neste, potešte i Maťičku jeho.

6. A tak Ďiťe premile, o naš Spasiteli,
rač nas mat v svej pameťi, naš Vikupiteli.
Bi sme z našich salašov 
k tebe pospíchali

a s tebu na visosti večňe prebivali.

1. Oh, sweet God, our lovely,
what a time has come!

A star has shone its light on a Bethlehem stable.
Hurry up, o, shepherds, do not waste a minute.
See the news that we’ve been told
by the shining stars.

2. Lo, behold! The angels sing,
hear their jolly voices!

They bring news of a sacred peace forever.
For a splendid Child was born,
In the stall of Bethlehem, lying in the hay.

3. His Mother is cradling him, hear her lullaby:
Sleep now, my darling boy,
it is getting cold here.

Old Joseph is happily looking at the little one,
And from all the joy, the man simply faints. 

4. Our dear Saviour graces us by coming down
And humbly becoming the child of Mary.
He is to save us from all that is evil
And by that, to guide us to his kingdom

5. So, dear shepherds, welcome him with joy,
hurry to Bethlehem
and leave your herds as they are.

Welcome your God who has just been born,
Bring your gifts and cheer his Mummy too.

6. And so, our sweet Child, our highest Lord,
Pray, do keep us in your mind, our Saviour.
That we hurry from our mountain farms
into your arms

And stay forever with you in the heavens.